


JournBeauty + Skincare Marketing

The journey to natural beauty starts here. On Instagram.

Journ is an innovative new beauty brand with five color correctors that conceal skin concerns and even help improve them over time. No matter the skin concern, from dark circles and hyperpigmentation to acne, irritated skin and dullness, there's a Journ corrector for everyone. And Journ specializes in skin tones too often ignored by major cosmetic players.

Journ already had a great retargeting campaign using UGC testimonial videos, and is a buzzy, buyable brand in the making. We built a digital campaign to accent their active efforts with brand-building awareness pieces that help tell the story of the globe-trotting journey that Journ's founders went on to source the ingredients in each corrector. That work was paired with hardworking conversion units to be deployed across platforms — with an emphasis on Pinterest.

Case Study

Let's go on a journey

Our Products Take you on a journey.

Journ's color correctors are made from the finest ingredients the world over, with each product inspired by a far-flung destination where the ingredients are sourced. From Marrakech to Tokyo and Kauai, Journ's products have a transcendent quality — these products are more than just concealers. They're a journey.

Our marketing campaign highlighted the round-the-world adventure that the founders embarked on to create the world's best color correctors, featuring the beautiful destinations where the ingredients were sourced alongside the rich colors and ingredients in the products themselves. Striking macro footage of the each destination's native landscape and natural bounty helped captured the product's accessible-luxury essence.

Finding our audience on Pinterest

A suite of targeted beauty and skincare-focused Pinterest ads.

Pinterest is a great platform for beauty and skincare brands — the search volume for skincare, makeup and beauty products is high, and users are often ready to purchase. Highly specific creative that responds to a user's search is an effective lower-funnel strategy, but we wanted to make sure the creative was optimized for maximum efficacy in relation to each search term.

We built a suite of Pinterest-specific ads with a variety of benefits, layout types, and color treatments to be tested against each other and optimized, putting the biggest spend behind the highest performer in each category.

A novel retention strategy

A personalized retention experience through SMS marketing.

We designed a post-purchase engagement experience that guides customers on their own skincare journeys, adding value even after their purchase is completed. Using text message marketing, we'll check in with customers to offer tips and make sure they're enjoying their color correctors. The goal here is a focused attack on retention — turning one-time customers into loyal ambassadors.

Text marketing boasts 98% open rates, compared to 20% for email, and it's the only digital platform that frequents the makeup station of many of our customers. We'll text customers when they might be getting ready in the morning, offering 1-1 interactions and product recommendations. Most importantly, if a customer had a negative experience, we'd respond directly with real, human contact to make it right. The result is contact with consumers when its relevant with information they can really put to use.

An integrate advertising ecosystem

One Journey. Many Touchpoints.

We built creative for many touchpoints along the marketing funnel, making sure we're staying top of mind and offering a positive experience for customers throughout their journey with our products. For a DTC brand, the entire lifecycle of marketing often happens online. And that means developing creative that does everything from share the brand's essence to extremely tactical buy-now units.

From brand-building content that focus first on storytelling to hardworking conversion units that give you a reason to buy, to post-purchase engagement via SMS, Journ beauty customers are sure to enjoy their interaction with the brand. And that means growing the business.