SWISS Brand Activation

SWISS Brand Activation

SWISS Brand Activation

SWISS Brand ActivationAgency of Record

Swiss International Airlines is launching new routes to Zurich from key markets in the US this year. To celebrate, we created a traveling brand activation that gives audiences a glimpse of Switzerland, right from DC. In partnership with Swiss brand Breitling, the activation will travel across the country to new markets —  and wherever it goes, visitors will have the opportunity to win a trip to Zurich, absolutely free.

A Peek at Switzerland
We worked together with a team of professional miniature artists to recreate some of Switzerland’s most iconic landmarks.

A Time for Time

In our partnership with Breitling, we had the chance to celebrate something else quintessentially Swiss—precision craftsmanship.
The SWISS Experience
The launch event gave visitors a taste of the premium experience they could expect on their next SWISS flight—from hors d'oeuvres with imported ingredients to the airline’s famous chocolate tablets.